Monday, November 4, 2013

Back in the USA!

So at this point I've been back in the US for a couple of days. I'm sitting at a counter a stereotypical American diner, like something you would see out of a movie, and I'm writing this post on my iPhone. 
It's been an awesome few days visiting with some kindred spirits out here. I don't like using the term kindred spirits as it's cliched and makes me sound like a tool, but it really is the best way to describe it. Thanks to all of those out here that I was able to see before I head off, you really have been a blessing to me. 

I'm flying to San Diego in a couple of days for the real start of my trip, and I got an email this morning from one of the guys and just got me really excited. They are out there preparing and they are getting excited about heading out soon too. It looks like our departure date will probably be sometime during the week of the 24th.

Thanks for reading, I'll have another update soon!

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